Standardizing video game, radio, Internet, and TV ratings bill outline.
Preamble The purpose of this bill outline is to help parents protect kids from media that may be harmful to minors. Recent mass murders remind us that kids must be protected from media that can give them evil ideas to copy. The current TV, Video, Game, Internet, & movie rating systems are voluntary and have no enforcement power. Right now, either each producer sets his own standard for ratings or an industry board sets them. The ratings when they do exist are based on vague guidelines. It is also easy for kids to remove a parental control lock. This bill would require the internet and all new TVs, radios, video games; etc have a lock with a metal key that once removed the parental controls could not be changed. Foreign web sites will have default ratings when they elect not to use this system. Note Private parts definition was carefully worded so that kids can see characters like Donald Duck who does not wear pants. Also, use of weapons definition was carefully worded so kids could see a murder mystery where a gun is fired once, but kids are otherwise protected.
This law is allowed under Congress power to regulate interstate commerce.
§ 1 Definitions
- Actor(s) shall be defined any male human who has his image and/or voice and/or any part thereof appears in any form of media.
- Actress(es) shall be defined any female human who has her image and/or voice and/or any part thereof appears in any form of media.
- Adult(s) shall be defined as any person who not a minor by reason of age.
- Animal shall be defined as an amphibian, bird, mammal, or reptile.
- Animated Figure shall be defined as an animated media, And/or video game character(s) who have human like qualities and/or can speak and/or the audience can hear or read its thoughts, or an character(s) controlled by the game player
- Articles shall be defined as a nonfictional text composition usually forming an independent part of a non-religious publication.
- Boxing the fighting sport in which two competitors of the same gender fight with the fists/hands, covered with boxing gloves and limiting legal blows to those striking above the waist and on the front or sides of the opponent.
- Character(s) shall be defined as Actor(s), and/or Actress(es), And/or Animated Figure And/or Transsexual(s).
- Cruelly to Animals shall be defined, as an illegal action to one or more animal(s) Local statues shall be used to determine what an illegal action is. This will NOT include press reports of current event. This will also NOT include legal hunting or farming.
- Current events shall be defined as news or events belonging to the present time (within 5 years of today’s date), or being in progress now; that have occurred in the real world. And/or within two weeks of the anniversary of a major event, of the past, which is evenly dividable by five (5), excluding gossip.
- Dangerous Actions is defined as a human looking Character(s) entering the path of a moving motor vehicle or train; jumping from a high place onto a hard surface. Adding something to someone’s food and drink to make them sick, fall asleep, or drug them. This is done to try to prevent a minor for copying these actions
- Dating Service is an example of a system, and allows individuals, couples and groups to meet online and possibly develop romantic or sexual relationships.
- Episode is defined as the entire song, episode, movie, web page or frame, tape, advertisement, live broadcast, Internet broadcast/webcast, and/or other type of recording
- Escaping justice shall be defined as in a work of fiction (including fiction that includes real people as characters(s) and/or fictionalized or dramatized versions of real events) that occurs and/or appears to occur in a time period, from thirty years ago to January 1st of the current year, The copyright date or production date whichever is later will be used for the time period; if the time period cannot be obtained from the media, or the time period is set in the future. A Character(s) commits a felony or a misdemeanor which is punishable by more than six months in jail on a first offence, and does not ending up by the end of the episode, either being arrested, imprisoned, changing sides to help law enforcement arrest other guilty parties, returning the stolen property, or dying. The Local statues shall be used, to determine what is a felony or a misdemeanor. This is to prevent teaching minors that crime pays.
- Extreme violence is defined as Character(s) are shown and/or described whether real or simulated: being burned and/or hurt via an attack with a weapon(s). Character(s) and/or animal(s) are tortured; threatening to, and/or appearing to, cut off any body parts or injure private parts; buried alive whether according to plot they are left to die and/or found dead after being buried alive; a severed head and/or a severed human like body part(s); this shall not include a non-bleeding a single arm and/or hand. This will NOT include press reports of current events.
- FCC is defined as the Federal Communication Commission and/or any successor agency created in the future.
- Female human is defined as a human bearing two X chromosomes in the cell nuclei and normally but not always having a vagina, a uterus and ovaries, and developing at puberty a relatively rounded body and enlarged breasts.
- Foreign is defined as not in the United States of America, or on United States of America territory.
- Foreign-list is defined as a list of primary website addresses and primary IP addresses which have a foreign physical location; that contain or have contained media that should be rated R-CP or R-A. The list shall contain the primary website addresses, primary IP addresses, and the rating. The primary addresses shall be used even if the media that should be rated R-CP or R-A is on a different page (frame) on the website.
- Gambling is defined as all forms of legal gambling, illegal gambling, and online gambling.
- Gossip is defined as a rumor or truthful report of Sexual Relations and/or Sexual Innuendo and/or dating involving a real person(s).
- Indecent broadcasts shall be defined as, indecent language or images as defined by FCC and/or other USA agencies regulations and/or US law.
- Internet is defined as a vast computer network linking smaller computer networks worldwide. It includes commercial, educational, governmental, and other networks, all of which use the same set of communications protocols; also known as the World Wide Web.
- Illegal drugs shall be defined as any controlled substance, or drug for which under the Local statues shall be used, possession is illegal, or legal drugs used in an illegal way. This will NOT include press reports of current events
- Illegal Gambling is defined as all forms of monetary bets or property bets, on an uncertain outcome, as of a contest, or to play a game of chance for stakes, which is not legal under the Local statues shall be used; including just visiting a illegal gambling location.
- IP Address(es) shall be defined as Internet Protocol address(es) and any successor technology in the future.
- Just before shall be defined anywhere before on a DVD and/or other recording, OR within three minutes before in the case of Broadcast, Cable, and/or Satellite.
- Legal Gambling is defined as all forms of monetary bets or property bets, on an uncertain outcome, as of a contest, or to play a game of chance for stakes, which is legal under the Local statues shall be used; including just visiting a legal gambling location.
- Legally Married is defined as a marriage would be recognized under the US tax code if character(s) were real people.
- Libel is defined as the untrue defamation of a person’s character by written or printed words, broadcast words, words post on the internet, pictures or video and/or publishing untrue defamatory statements, pictures, audio recording(s), or video recording(s) and/or untrue defamation via media.
- Local statues shall be used will be defined as the laws of US government passed by Congress and the laws of the State government passed by the State Legislators, where the media is being transmitted via cable. In the case of broadcast media the laws of each state(s) passed by the State Legislators in its broadcast area shall be used, and the US government laws passed by Congress shall be used. In the cases where the laws disagree the more restrictive shall apply. In the Case of satellite transmissions, Internet transmissions, Internet broadcasts/webcasts, Internet streaming, web page(s), downloads via cell phone, DVD, recordings that are downloaded, sold, leased, licensed, and/or rented to individuals, or any other type of transmissions and/or recordings not listed above the US government laws passed by Congress and local criminal laws that cover Washington DC shall be used.
- Local News shall be defined as reports of current events court actions, weather, actions of Public figures, and/or sporting events that occur within a stations local broadcast area; excluding news of entertainment events, gossip., or entertainment celebrities.
- Male human a person bearing an X and Y chromosome pair in the cell nuclei and normally but not always having a penis, scrotum, and testicles.
- Media shall be defined as any Audio or Video recordings, articles which, can be accessed from a website, photos, television shows/programs, radio shows/programs, songs, ring tones, websites, applications, video game, movies; or any video or audio recording, which, is on a website, broadcast, streamed, downloaded, or transmitted via the airwaves via cable, via the Internet, via cell phone or any broadcast/download, by any existing method, or a method devised in the future.
- Media harmful to minors shall be defined as in a work of fiction (including fiction that includes real people as characters(s) and/or fictionalized versions, dramatized versions, or accurate reenactments of real events) containing of one or more of the following. Serial killers; character(s) commit and/or threaten to commit a violent action, mass murder, use of Illegal drug, and/or Sexual behavior unfit for minors in or on the grounds of what is or appears to be a school, college, and/or house of worship that if done by real people in real life under the Local statues shall be used, would be a felony and/or misdemeanor. This is done to try to prevent a minor for copying these actions. This will NOT include a school that exists only in a fantasy world, which is not on and/or does not appear to be in the US, and/or on US territory and/or the Western Hemisphere. This will NOT include press reports of current events.
- Minor shall be defined as any human person who has not obtained the age of twenty-one (21) years.
- National & World News shall be defined as reports of current events, actions of Public figures or weather, which occur outside a station’s local and Regional broadcast area; excluding gossip.
- News reports shall be defined as National & World News, local news, regional news, and/or a report of recent events, previously unknown information, or something having a specified influence or effect and/or supporting; excluding gossip and excluding sexual behavior unfit for minors.
- Online gambling shall be defined as casino-style gambling, betting on sports events, virtual poker and an array of games that were developed strictly for the online use where forms of monetary bets or property bets, on an uncertain outcome, as of a contest, or to play a game of chance for stakes.
- Online games shall be defined as electronic game playing over a computer network, particularly over the Internet.
- Online service shall be defined as to any media and/or services provided over the Internet for a fee; excluding online gambling, online games and dating Service.
- Person(s) in charge shall be defined for this act as any or all of the following the Owner, Corporate officer, Corporation, manager, director, Webmaster, and/or other employee(s) and/or any person controlling the media and/or its’ viewing and/or online games and/or online gambling and/or dating service; And/or the manufacture, import, copying, selling, renting, licensing, and/or leasing of devices that allow the viewing and/or listening to media. Including Actor(s), and/or Actress(es) willing appearing in live Media
- Private parts shall be defined as or what appears to be a character(s)’ and/or photo of genitals, pubic area, and/or buttocks with less than a fully opaque covering; A female breast, if she is or appears to be over age 9, or an Animated Figure, who appears to have a human females breasts, with less than a fully opaque covering of any part of the nipple, and/or the areola, except when nursing an infant; A covered male character’s genitals in a discernibly turgid state. This shall not include below waist area of Animated Figure(s) that do not have genitals, or a human shaped buttocks. This shall not include a non-sexual picture or brief non-sexual video of Actor(s)/Actress(es)’ genitals, pubic area, rectum, and/or buttocks who are under the age of four years.
- Product shall be defined as All Televisions, radios, video games players, audio games players, cell phones, computers, satellite receivers, VCRs, DVD players, digital to analog converters, or any other devices and/or software that allow the hearing or viewing of media and/or hearing or viewing media from/on the Internet.
- Profanity shall be defined as, the use of indecent language, and or racial slurs as defined by Federal Communication Commission regulations, and/or other FCC regulations and/or US law.
- Polyamory is defined as any of various practices involving romantic or Sexual relations with multiple partners with the knowledge and consent of all involved.
- Polygamy is defined as the condition or practice of having more than one spouse at one time; or a mating pattern in which a single individual mates with more than one individual of the opposite sex; or marriage with more than one spouse; or the having, of a plurality of wives or husbands at the same time.
- Public Figures shall be defined as a human being over age 18, who anywhere in the world has within the last 5 calendar years has done one or more of the following run for or held public office, been paid as a professional Actor(s)/Actress(es), newscaster, sportscaster, weather caster, athlete, royalty, and/or an Officer and/or director of a publicly traded corporation and/or any person who willing appeared on media for pay, and/or to promote a book, business, cause, or other media.
- Regional News shall be defined as reports of current events, court actions, actions of Public figures occurring with State(s) government with one of the State(s) served by the stations local broadcast area, but outside of the broadcast area..
- Script shall be defined as the written play and/or screenplay and/or plot and/or spoken words and/or visual information and/or written words that appear in Media.
- Search Engine shall be defined as a program that searches for and identifies that correspond to keywords or characters specified by the user, for finding particular sites on the Internet.
- Sexual behavior unfit for minors shall be defined as character(s) who are having and/or appear to be having and/or have in the past, engaged in illegal sexual behavior, and/or committing adultery, and/or Polyamory and/or Polygamy and/or are according to the script having Sexual relations with someone which the script has not stated to the audience that they are legally married. Sex toys or what appear to be sex toys are shown; And/or restraining Character(s) in a sexual way; abortion, And/or Character(s) who which the script they has not stated to the audience that they are legally married that are and/or appear to be romantically and/or sexually attracted, who are shown in furniture together without each Character(s) having at least one foot on the floor and/or ground. even if private parts are not shown; And/or a character’s private parts, are shown or appear to be shown, to another character in a sexual way, even if the private parts are not shown to the viewer; showing Transsexual(s), Showing a character(s) engaging in homosexual kiss(es) on lips, Paying for Sexual relations, and/or discussing paying for Sexual relations. Character(s) are sexually molested or raped. Human like Character(s) have Sexual relations with animal(s). Local statues shall be used to determine if character(s) were real people what is illegal sexual behavior.
- Sexual innuendo shall be defined as discussing Sexual behavior unfit for minors, Sexual relations, Private parts, abortion, birth control, menstrual periods, Indecent broadcasts, homosexual relationships, gender change, gender change surgery, sex toys, restraining a Character(s) in a sexual way, sexual slurs and/or sexually transmitted diseases, and/or Transsexual(s).
- Sexual innuendo class 2 shall be defined as discussing Private parts, Indecent broadcasts, abortion, homosexual relationships, gender change, gender change surgery, sex toys, restraining Character(s) in a sexual way, sexual slurs, Sexual relations, and/or Transsexual(s)
- Sexual relations shall be defined as character(s) shown engaging in and/or appearing to engage in and/or according to script are engaging or appear to be engaging in any or all of the following whether real, described, and/or simulated: sexual intercourse, and/or sodomy even if their private parts are not shown; And/or homosexual sexual activity, And/or touching or appearing to touch with a hand, head, foot, limb, lips, genitals, pubic area, and/or via an object, another character’s genitals, pubic area, and/or female character’s breast(s), in a sexual way, even if the private parts are not shown; Human like character(s) being sexual with animals and/or an object and/or a robot.
- Sexual Education shall be defined as teaching, a minor under the age of 18 years, about sexual intercourse, and/or sodomy and/or heterosexual sexual activity and/or homosexual sexual activity and/or transsexual sexual activity and/or showing drawings of private parts and/or photos of private parts and/or describing private parts and/or describing a transsexual and/or describing marriage and/or birth control and/or abortion and/or sexually transmitted disease and/or describing about being sexual with animals and/or describing about being an object and/or describing about being a robot. For this definition describing shall also mean providing a text about the subject in any form of media.
- Smoking shall be defined as to draw into the mouth and puff out the smoke of tobacco or any other drug, as from a pipe, cigar, cigarette or other device; or any type of use of marijuana; this shall not include any Media copyrighted before January 1, 2000
- State(s) shall be defined as a State, United States of America territory, or common wealth of the United States of America.
- Streaming or streamed shall be defined as a service that sends video, music, or other media., over the internet so that people can watch or listen to it immediately.
- Transsexual(s) shall be defined as one who has or appears to have undergone a full or partial sex change.
- USA shall be defined as the United States of America, or operating and/or existing on United States of America territory.
- Violence unfit for minors is defined as Character(s) are shown being killed by another Character(s), but this shall not include a single murder, during the entire length of the media, as long as any victim is not shown being hit and/or bleeding; Character(s) are shown and/or described being killed, cut, bleeding, via an attack with a weapon(s); and/or are shown and/or described being raped (even an attempted rape); Character(s) are shown being beaten, or caused to bleed which according to the script causes serious injury or death; that if done by real people in real life under the Local statues shall be used would be a felony. Character(s) are shown and/or described committing, and/or attempting suicide, and/or Character(s) who are or appear to be minors are sexually molested or raped. Character(s) are given without their knowledge drugs in their food or drink. Character(s) commit, mass murder, or are a serial killer. A severed human and/or human like hand are shown and/or described; Threatening, and/or describing Extreme Violence.
- Weapon(s) shall be defined as any firearm, sword, knife, other sharp object, gun, rifle, bomb, alkali, acid, or anything on and/or produces fire and used against Character(s). This shall NOT include ray guns that do not have the same shape as any real firearm, and/or ray swords that exist only in fiction as long as any character(s) is not shown bleeding and/or burned if hurt, and disappears if killed. This shall NOT include firearms when used in hunting animals and/or a single gunshot, during the entire length of the media, as long as any victim is not shown being hit and/or bleeding.
- Webmaster: shall be defined as the Person(s) in charge of an Internet web page(s) and/or internet broadcasts/webcasts and/or streaming.
- Wrestling a fighting sport in which competitors of the same gender attempt to throw or immobilize each other by grappling with hands arms or legs.
§ 6) Internet
- The Webmaster shall rate all video and audio, text content; available on their page(s), and/or internet broadcasts/webcasts and/or streaming, according to the rating system defined in sections numbers 2A and 2B above, and any FCC regulations in effect on the date, the page and/or any part of the page, and/or broadcasts/webcasts is made available, hereafter know as posted, on the internet after the date this act takes effect. They shall have five years from the date this act takes effect to rate anything posted before this act took effect and requires a R-CP, or R-A rating. The above must contain the correct date it was posted. All software that can display anything found on the Internet shall also display it’s rating. If it does not have a rating it shall display “no rating”. Pages, video and audio, text content without a rating, or with an rating not listed in section 2A and 2B above shall be treated as rated R-PW, unless it is on the FCC’s foreign-list then it’s rating shall be treated as if it was rated R-CP, or R-A whichever is stated on the FCC’s foreign-list, regardless of its posted rating, if any. It shall also display “FCC”, or the name of Internet Service Provider that provided the copy of the foreign-list.
- The Person(s) in charge of manufacturing, creating, copying, updating, or importing, after this act takes effect, all software, Internet Search Engines, or anything else that can access and/or locate web page(s) shall be able to read page(s) rating, and block it when requested by a product. Also, software that accesses the internet must obtain the ratings allowed from the computer(s) and/or system(s) it is running on, so that it may block when required the web page, a frame, download, and/or broadcast/webcast. Live broadcasts/webcasts shall have an estimated rating with a six second delay to allow Webmaster to block anything that does not fit the estimaed rating. In the case of live sporting events, estimated rating shall be R-PG, unless the organization holding the event suggests a different rating. This software for foreign IP addresses must first search for the Internet Service Provider copy of the FCC’s foreign-list. All Internet Search Engines shall not display results for video(s) or photo(s), rated R-A(N) since the person did not approve their private parts being placed on the internet.
- Web pages with live postings shall have an estimated rating with an e-mail address, so that Webmaster can be notified to remove, or post the correct rating within 24 hours of the e-mail being sent, anything that does not fit the estimated rating. The text of any live posting must be scanned by software to prevent any postings that contain words or phrases that do not fit the estimated rating from being posted. The FCC shall by regulations define what to do if the estimated rating is usually wrong.
- An HTML tag of “rating” shall be used, in the Head of each page (frame) as follows “<rating type=(the media’s rating) Specifications=(the media’s Specification) Date=(date posted in CCYYMMDD format) />”. The FCC may by regulations define additional methods how the rating is to be placed on the Internet these regulations must also support older systems that were manufactured or produced before these regulations were adopted.
- The FCC shall maintain a list of foreign web addresses and IP addresses that have one or more Pages, video and audio, text content that post-incorrect ratings from section 2A and 2B above, and/or post no ratings from section 2A and 2B above, but should be rated R-CP, or R-A. This foreign-list shall be available online via the Internet. Internet Service Providers shall make copies of the FCC foreign-list, and create indexes for it, at least every 48 hours when it is available from the FCC to reduce the load when software searches the list. Internet Service Providers shall provide enough indexed copies of the foreign-list that is does NOT have a noticeable effect on speed of Internet access. If the foreign-list is unavailable from the FCC Internet Service Providers will keep the older foreign-list; if it has not yet been produced by the FCC Internet Service Providers shall keep an empty list. Search engines shall either access one of the Internet Service Providers copy of the foreign-list or access their own copy of the foreign-list which must be updated under the same rules of required of Internet Service Providers.
- The FCC shall maintain an e-mail address on its’ web site to allow it to be notified of web sites both in USA and foreign that post incorrect ratings from section 2A and 2B above, and/or post no rating from section 2A and 2B above; If the web site is foreign and should be rated, R-CP, or R-A the FCC shall add such web sites to its foreign-list within 14 calendar days, from the date of the e-mail. The FCC shall also have a web form on its web site to allow foreign Webmaster to request removal from the foreign-list; because they have removed, R-CP, or R-A, content from their web site the FCC must verify this before removing the site from the foreign-list. Software and/or anything else that access the Internet and/or access web pages; must check the Internet Service Providers copy of FCC’s foreign-list when it is available, whenever a foreign web site and/or IP address is accessed over the Internet.
- The Person(s) in charge manufacturing and/or importing and/or updating the software or anything else that can access the Internet in the USA, after this act takes effect will be responsible for ensuring these controls are supported. The Person(s) in charge shall not sell any software or anything else that can access the Internet, which was manufactured and/or imported after the date this act, takes effect that does not support these controls.
- General rules for websites
A. The Person(s) in charge of any website shall update, in a timely manner, all media about any crime that can be accessed from their website, if the following occurs to a person(s) mentioned and/or shown as the accused: any of the charges are dropped, any of the person(s) are acquitted, any of the person(s) who are suspect(s) or person(s) of interest are never charged within three months of the date of the crime, and/or the person(s) accused win a civil judgement about these crime(s), to include the fact the person has now been cleared prominently at the start, middle, and end of the media; the media must remain on the website for six months after being updated; otherwise, in either case they shall be guilty of libel with malice and may be sued for damages. The Person(s) in charge of any website that makes copies of internet media to allow review of media for future reading/viewing must be notified of the update in the facts of the crime(s) defined in this paragraph, at an address prominently provided on their website, and are given two weeks to update the media after being notified, however, if no address is prominently provided they have two weeks, after the original media is updated; otherwise, in either case they shall be guilty of libel with malice and may be sued for damages. In all libel suits heard in a United States Court the definition of a public figure shall be the one used in this act; and if the person libeled has died his/her executor or executrix can file the libel suit, or continue the libel suit. If person(s) is/are falsely accused of adultery it shall be assumed to be with malice in any libel suit.
B. The Person(s) in charge of any website that contains or allows access to background information and/or criminal history on any US citizen shall be subject to the same rules as consumer reporting agencies as outlined in the Fair Credit Reporting Act, 15 U.S.C. § 1681 - The Person(s) in charge of creating or distributing software that produces and/or creates web pages, downloads, and/or webcasts must have the software ask rating before is made available on the internet; and also store the rating and the date it posted on the internet and/or date it was created. They must have an interactive feature to help the person creating the webpage pick the correct rating. They must also provide free internet updates for older versions of their software to make them compliant with this act.
- The person(s) in charge of any media must have a program(s) or manual system(s) that scans daily for any video(s) or photo(s) which shows private parts.
A. If the private parts appear to belong to a minor the video(s) or photo(s) must be immediately removed from the internet; if the minor appears under age eighteen; a US Mail certified return receipt letter containing copies of the video(s) and/or photo(s) and a letter explaining why they were removed and containing any information as to their source shall be mailed United States Attorney General within ten days of their removal; mailing these copies to United States Attorney General shall exempt them from any laws making distribution or viewing a crime; any copies retained by the person(s) in charge must be destroyed within ninety days after letter is received by United States Attorney General , but not earlier than sixty days after letter is received. If the private parts appear to belong to a minor are on a website that has a foreign physical location the United States Attorney General so a criminal referral to the appropriate United States attorney can be made and the FCC shall be notified to add that website to the foreign-list as R-A(N).
B. If the private parts appear to belong to an adult the video(s) or photo(s) the person(s) in charge must have a notarized consent dated within the last ten years, from all of the following the adult(s),whose private parts are exposed in the video(s) or photo(s) and/or whose face is attached in the video(s) or photo(s) to the private parts and/or name is associated with the private parts that are exposed in the video(s) or photo(s), otherwise video(s) or photo(s) be must be immediately removed from the internet; a web link must be provided from the video(s) or photo(s) to a copy of the consent; a US Mail certified return receipt letter and a letter explaining why they were removed, how to obtain copies of the video(s) and/or photo(s); and containing any information as to their source shall be mailed United States Attorney General within ten days of their removal. If the private parts appear are on a website that has a foreign physical location the FCC shall be notified to add that website to the foreign-list as R-A(N).
C. Anyone can notify the FCC of private parts appearing on the internet without notarized consent also being posted.. - Add 18 U.S. Code § 3237 (c) Notwithstanding subsection (a), where an offense is committed over the internet and/or via a cellular commutation device and/or other commutation device and prosecution is begun in a judicial district other than the judicial district in which the defendant resides, the defendant may upon motion filed in the district in which the prosecution is begun, elect to be tried in the district, in which the defendant was residing at the time the alleged offense was committed: Provided, the motion is filed within twenty days after the court asks the defendant, if the defendant wishes to be tried the judicial district in which the defendant resides; such question should be asked at arraignment of the defendant upon indictment or information.
- The person(s) in charge of any Dating Service must verify that any person who signs up for their Dating Service has obtained the age of eighteen (18). shall verify the age and Id of the person, in a manner that uses a government issued photo IDs either in person in the US, or via interactive live video phone call with a US citizen employee, when they set up their service whether they are married, never married, divorced or widowed must also be verified via an internet records search in a manner set by FCC regulations, this must be redone when their ID expires or every five years whichever is less. Separated persons shall be considered married; if the marriage was annulled are never married. The video phone call must be recorded and kept for ten years for review by government officials. Each time they access the service their ID must be verified via manually entered password any such sign in must expire after 12 hours and person must sign in again; states are free to set up a more restrictive method of confirming age, marital status, and ID. Whether they are married, never married, divorced or widowed must be posted whenever another person searches them for a date, match and/or views their profile.
- The person(s) in charge of any online gambling shall verify the age and Id of the user, to confirm they have obtained the age of 21 years, in order to use online gambling site(s); the age and Id shall be confirmed in a manner that uses a government issued photo ID either in person in the US, or via an interactive live video phone call with a US citizen employee, when they set up their service and when their ID expires or every ten years whichever is less. The video phone call must be recorded and kept for ten years for review by government officials. The Each time they access the service their ID must be verified via a manually entered password; any such sign in must expire after 12 hours and person must sign in again; states are free to set up a more restrictive method of confirming age and ID.
- The person(s) in charge of any online games shall verify the age and Id of the user, to confirm they have obtained the age of 21 years, in order to view photos and/or pictures, and/or games and/ or media rated R-CP or R-A; the age and Id shall be confirmed in a manner that uses a government issued photo ID either in person in the US, or via an interactive live video phone call with a US citizen employee, when they set up their service and when their ID expires or every ten years whichever is less. The video phone call must be recorded and kept for ten years for review by government officials. The Each time they access the service their ID must be verified via a manually entered password; any such sign in must expire after 12 hours and person must sign in again; states are free to set up a more restrictive method of confirming age and ID. A sign-in that does NOT allow access to R-CP or R-A rated photos and/or pictures, and/or games and/ or media may be signed in forever, and requires no age verification.
- The person(s) in charge of any online service shall verify the age and Id of the user, to confirm they have obtained the age of 21 years, in order to view photos and/or pictures, and/or games and/ or media rated R-CP or R-A; the age and Id shall be confirmed in a manner that uses a government issued photo ID either in person in the US, or via an interactive live video phone call with a US citizen employee, when they set up their service and when their ID expires or every ten years whichever is less. The video phone call must be recorded and kept for ten years for review by government officials. The Each time they access the service their ID must be verified via a manually entered password; any such sign in must expire after 12 hours and person must sign in again; states are free to set up a more restrictive method of confirming age and ID. A sign-in that does NOT allow access to R-CP or R-A rated photos and/or pictures, and/or games and/ or media may be signed in forever, and requires no age verification.
Words in italics are defined above
§ 2A) Standard Ratings These standard US ratings shall attached to all media which is produced, or manufactured, downloaded, placed on a web page, transmitted, imported, or broadcast By any existing method or a method to be devised in the future, Starting two years after this bill because a law; are as follows listed in order from the highest rating to the lowest. In the text below older televisions and video games means those that were manufactured or imported before this act took effect.
- R-Y Young, will appear as TV-Y on older televisions. Will appear as EC on older video games. is defined as Media contains none of the following: any showing or discussing of Cruelly to animals, Dating Service, Dangerous actions, Escaping justice, Extreme violence, Gambling, Gossip, Indecent broadcasts, Illegal drugs, Media harmful to minors, Private parts, Profanity, Sexual behavior unfit for minors, Sexual innuendo, Sexual relations, Smoking, Violence unfit for minors, Weapon(s), and/or any following whether real or simulated, a human dead body and/or dead human body part, surgery, and/or an autopsy; unmarried pregnant character(s), homosexual relationships, gender change, gender change surgery, racial slurs, sex toys, boxing, wrestling, or other fighting sports, alcohol use, intoxication with drugs, visiting a gambling casino, and/or intoxication with alcohol; and be specifically designed for Families, according FCC regulations; plus no character(s) are hurt, killed, or die, and be specifically designed for children ages under age 8, according FCC regulations.
- R-FV Family viewing ,will appear as TV-Y7 on older televisions Will appear as EC on older video games is defined as Media contains none of the following: any showing or discussing of Cruelly to animals, Dating Service, Dangerous actions, Escaping justice, Extreme violence, Gambling, Gossip, Indecent broadcasts, Illegal drugs, Media harmful to minors, Private parts, Profanity, Sexual behavior unfit for minors, Sexual innuendo, Sexual relations, Smoking, Violence unfit for minors, Weapon(s), and/or any following whether real or simulated, a human dead body and/or dead human body part, surgery, and/or an autopsy; unmarried pregnant character(s), homosexual relationships, gender change, gender change surgery, racial slurs, sex toys, boxing, wrestling, or other fighting sports, alcohol use, intoxication with drugs, visiting a gambling casino, and/or intoxication with alcohol; and be specifically designed for Families, according FCC regulations. Advertisements and/or Web sites approved by a candidate for US President, US Congress, State office or local government office in the US, for which a primary or general election that is scheduled to be held within six months shall always be rated R-FV
- R-PG Parental Guidance, will appear as TV-G on older televisions Will appear as E on older video games is defined as Media contains none of the following: any showing or discussing of Cruelly to animals, Dating Service, Escaping justice, Extreme violence, Gossip, Indecent broadcasts, Illegal drugs, Illegal gambling, Media harmful to minors, Private parts, Profanity, Sexual behavior unfit for minors, Sexual innuendo, Sexual relations, Smoking, and/or Violence unfit for minors and/or any following whether real or simulated, a human dead body and/or dead human body part, surgery, and/or an autopsy; and/or homosexual relationships, gender change, gender change surgery, racial slurs, sex toys, boxing or other fighting sports, visiting a gambling casino and/or intoxication with drugs.
- R-PW Parental Warning not for younger children, will appear as TV-PG on older televisions Will appear as T on older video games Media contains none of the following, any use of, showing or discussing of Cruelly to animals, Dating Service, Escaping justice, Extreme violence, Indecent broadcasts, Sexual behavior unfit for minors, Illegal drugs, Illegal gambling, Media harmful to minors, Private parts, Sexual innuendo class 2, Sexual relations, Smoking, and/or gender change, gender change surgery, racial slurs, sex toys, boxing or fighting sports other than wrestling. News reports shall be rated R-PW.
- R-CP Caution for Parents, for over age 17, will appear as TV-14 on older televisions. Will appear as M on older video games Media that contains none of the following, any use of, showing or discussing of Extreme violence, Media harmful to minors, Private parts, and/or Sexual relations.
- R-A for adults only, will appear as TV-M on older televisions. Will appear as AO on older video games. This Media contains any content that prevents it from receiving a higher rating. This Media still may NOT violate State, and/or local community, and/or US standards, regulations, and/or laws on obscenity; and/or contain child pornography.
§ 2B) Specifications added to ratings These specifications will be attached to the R-PG, R-PW, R-CP, and R-A, whenever they apply based on why the Media was unable to obtain a higher rating.
- D is for. Sexual innuendo, Gossip, and/or Sexual innuendo class 2; will appear as D on older televisions.
- L is for Profanity and/or racial slurs; will appear as L on older televisions.
- S is for Sexual behavior unfit for minors, Sexual relations, indecent broadcasts, and/or Private parts; will appear as S on older televisions.
- V is for, Escaping justice, Extreme violence, Illegal drugs, Media harmful to minor; and/or Violence unfit for minors will appear as V on older televisions.
- N notarization lacking
§ 7) Devices
- All products which was manufactured and/or imported after the date this act, takes effect shall include a lock and two keys made of metal with the product. The key and lock must be unique enough so that the key is only duplicated in one of every 40,000 products. The default setting for the product shall be to block all specifications of R-CP; and/or all specifications of R-A rated media. In order to change the default settings, the key must be inserted into the lock and turned. The changes may then be entered. The key must be turned back and removed for the changes to take effect. The product must allow the media to be blocked either on its’ section 1 above rating; and/or any combination of section 2A and 2B ratings from above. Whenever the product blocks the media, because of its rating the following message will appear on the video screen if any; “Blocked by Parental controls rating is (the media’s rating from section 2A and 2B )” no other audio or video shall be heard or seen. If a product has or allows software/hardware that allows separate user-ids, or user profiles that are password protected, the ability to set the ratings block differently for different user-ids, or user profiles must be allowed. A product must pass on the rating to any other product connected to it, including wireless connections. A product MAY be designed at the option of Person(s) in charge manufacturing and/or importing and/or retailing to always block certain ratings as long as this is disclosed to consumers.
- The Person(s) in charge manufacturing and/or importing the products into the US, after this act takes effect will be responsible for ensuring the products support these controls. The Person(s) in charge of selling shall not sell any products manufactured and/or imported after the date this act takes effect that does not support these controls.
§ 3) Broadcast Media The Person(s) in charge of any Broadcast television or radio station(s) licensed by FCC other than satellite, shall rate all video, text, and audio content including advertisements; transmitted using their systems, according to the ratings defined in sections numbers 2A and 2B above, and any FCC regulations in effect on the date of the broadcast. Live broadcasts shall have an estimated rating with at least a six second delay to allow blocking anything that does not fit the estimated rating. In the case of live sporting events estimated rating shall be R-PG, unless the organization holding the event suggests a different rating. At least 35 percent of each station’s broadcast day shall contain Media rated R-Y, R-FV, R-PG, or R-PW. At least 24 hours a calendar week shall contain Media rated R-Y, or R-FV; within the hours of 7AM to 9PM using the time zone the stations antennae is located. This is the times children under the age of 16 are most likely to be watching. Media rated R-Y, or R-FV broadcast at other times will not count as part of the 24 hours minimum requirements. Each broadcast calendar day at least 45 minutes must be local news, and at least 45 minutes must be regional news, and National & World News. All broadcast news, in addition to any other stories, should also be posted, on the station’s website, in at least text versions for a minimum of 45 days from the broadcast date; posted stories may of course be updated or corrected.
§ 4) Cable or Satellite The Person(s) in charge of any cable television, and/or cable radio system and/or satellite transmission system, or any other system, hereafter know as systems, shall rate all video, text, and audio content including advertisements; transmitted using their systems, according to the ratings defined in sections numbers 2A and 2B above, and any FCC regulations in effect on the date of the transmission/broadcast. Except those from local broadcast television or radio stations licensed by Federal Communication Commission, the systems above shall just include the rating produced by the local station as required in section 3 above in the systems’ retransmission. Live broadcasts shall have an estimated rating with a six second delay to allow blocking anything that does not fit the estimated rating. In the case of live sporting events, estimated rating shall be R-PG, unless the organization holding the event suggests a different rating.
§ 5) Recordings or Games The Person(s) in charge of producing and/or distributing any Video, or Audio, recording; and/or any video or audio game for use by any theater and/or individuals, which is downloaded, accessed via a cell phone, mailed, shipped across state lines, sold, licensed, loaned, leased, and/or rented; shall rate or insure it has been it has been properly rated, all video and audio content including advertisements; according to the rating system defined in sections numbers 2A and 2B, and any FCC regulations in effect on the date of the recording copy is made and/or downloaded. All the above must contain the date the copy of the Media was made and/or downloaded and the rating, at the start of each DVD and/or other type of recording.
§ 8) Subscribers RightsThe Person(s) in charge of any cable television, Internet service provider, steaming service, and/or cell phone company hereafter known as providers; shall starting after this act takes effect send a letter to all of its subscribers once a year during the month of April, asking them if they wish to block or unblock Media that is rated R-PW, R-CP and/or R-A, this service shall be free of charge. The subscriber may block one, two or all three of the ratings, from all Media they receive. The letter shall also include a US postal mailing address and phone number to which they can reply. The default for existing subscribers who have been receiving the service for at least 180 days, and do not return the form is to keep the service they currently receive.
New subscribers or those changing their type of service shall be asked when they start or change the service and must fill out sign & date the form, checking off which ratings they wish to receive. The default for new subscribers or those changing their type of service, who do not return the form within 60 days, is to block all specifications of the R-CP and R-A ratings. If the form requests access to R-CP and R-A rated media it must be notarized to prove the subscriber is an adult ; If blocking request results in more than 50 percent of a cable channel’s Media being blocked the full cost of that channel will be deducted from the subscriber’s bill without removing access to the channel. The cost of a channel shall be calculated by dividing the total bill by the number of channels provided. The FCC shall keep a sample form on its web site; all Providers must accept this form. Providers have 40 calendar days to make these changes after receiving the form.
Person(s) in charge of Cable television, websites, applications, and/or steaming services shall verify the age and Id of the viewer, to confirm they have obtained the age of 21 years, in order to view photos and/or pictures, and/ or media rated R-CP or R-A; the age and Id shall be confirmed in a manner that uses a government issued photo ID either in person in the US, or via an interactive live video phone call with a US citizen employee, when they set up their service and when their ID expires or every ten years whichever is less. The video phone call must be recorded and kept for ten years for review by government officials. The Each time they access the service their ID must be verified via a manually entered password; any such sign in must expire after 12 hours and person must sign in again; states are free to set up a more restrictive method of confirming age and ID. A sign-in that does NOT allow access to R-CP or R-A rated photos and/or pictures, and/ or media may be signed in forever, and requires no age verification.
§ 9) Rating Rules: The rating from sections 2A and 2B above will be the same for the entire song, episode, movie, web page or frame, tape, advertisement, live broadcast, internet broadcast/webcast, and/or other type of recording, hereafter referred to as program. Different versions of the same Media with different ratings may be recorded on the same device as long as access to them may be restricted by rating. The Person(s) in charge shall never knowingly use a lower rating when the program qualifies for a higher rating, except in the case of live broadcasts, live webcasts, and/or live postings. Advertisements or other Media placed within or just before an episode, or a song, movie, web page or frame, tape, live broadcast, internet broadcast/webcast, and/or other type of recording move have the same or higher rating as media in which they are contained.
§ 10) General minor protection
- In any school, institute, university, or college receiving United States’ funds and/or students receive United States’ funds for attending, a notarized parental/legal guardian consent form shall be required to instruct any minor under the age of 18 years in sexual education; the form must be a separate sheet of paper and may NOT be notarized by an employee or officer of the school, institute, university, or college; however, this shall NOT apply to a religious organization. In addition, any school, institute, university, or college receiving United States’ funds and/or students receive United States’ funds for attending, shall NOT require any student below age of 21 to take sexual education.
- It has been determined as a finding of fact by Congress that teaching about when the following are acceptable or describing how to perform these acts: sexual intercourse, and/or sodomy and/or birth control and/or heterosexual sexual activity and/or homosexual sexual activity and/or transsexual sexual activity and/or abortion is teaching religion; since each religion has different moral rules that apply here.
- Any school, institute, university, or college receiving United States’ funds and/or students receive United States’ funds for attending, shall require a notarized parental/legal guardian consent form shall be required to instruct any minor under the age of 18 years in the history of any religion or the religious teachings thereof; the form must be a separate sheet of paper and may NOT be notarized by an employee or officer of the school, institute, university, or college; however, this shall NOT apply to a religious organization and/or religious school, institute, university, or college.
- Should school, institute, university, or college receiving United States’ funds violate this act any person may file suit requiring return of the funds for the current and previous school years; the school, institute, college or university may be sued under 31 U.S. Code § 3729 - False claims act.
§ 11) Enforcement
- The FCC and/or the US department of justice may enforce this act against Any Person(s) in charge, who is not a minor, and who violates any part of the preceding sections, shall be guilty of a civil offense and shall pay a fine not to exceed $1,000,000 dollars per violation In addition, any Person(s) in charge, who is not a minor, who willfully commits three or more violations, within a five-year period shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall pay fine not to exceed $10,000,000 dollars and shall be imprisoned for not less than 15 days or more than six months. The fine imposed shall be at not exceed more than one (1) percent of the defendant’s annual income. The defendant shall have the burden of proof to prove their annual income if they want the fine reduced, permission of the defendant for access to their most recent United States income tax return must be accepted as proof by the court. If the defendant is a United States citizen he/she shall have a right to a jury trial in the judicial district which he/she resides; if they do not reside in any judicial district, they shall be tried in the District of Columbia judicial district.
- An injunction to require compliance with this act may be obtained in US District court against any Person(s) in charge, corporation, government agency, FCC, or business that violates any of the preceding sections. Any one or more of the following parties shall have standing to petition the court to obtain injunction and/or enforce an existing injunction, even if the original court order was not obtained by same party: Officials of FCC, US department of justice, any local or state government official where the violations are occurring or a US citizen who resides within twenty miles of the location(s) where the violations are occurring or the product(s) allowing the violations is/are used. If a US citizen who is not a government official or employee, shall substantially prevail in their petition the court shall require the violator(s) to pay their attorney fees and court costs and minimum award of $10,000 or 1,370 times the United States minimum wage whichever is greater; however, the judgement or settlement awarded shall not exceed more than one (1) percent of the defendant’s annual income. The defendant shall have the burden of proof to prove their annual income if they want the fine reduced permission of the defendant for access to their most recent United States income tax return must be accepted as proof by the court. In addition any business and/or service that is required to verify that any person using their service and/or business that shown to willfully fail to verify age when required or require verification of age when not required, by this act, shall also be banned for one-year from the date of the court injunction from collecting its fees via the internet via debit card, credit card and/or any other method. If a US citizen is the defendant, he/she shall have a right to a civil jury trial in the judicial district which they reside. The location where the violation is occurring is the place where the Media is viewed over the Internet or anyplace the Media is seen, and/or heard. Any of these parties may also appeal a ruling declaring all or part of this law unconstitutional.
- If a US citizen is injured or killed by minor(s) copying the actions seen or heard in Media Rated R-CP and/or R-A, or should been rated R-CP or R-A and was given a higher rating, or even if the US citizen minor is injure or kills him(her)self. That US citizen and/or their parent, guardian, executor, executrix may file suit in US District Court against the Adult(s) and/or any Person(s) in charge who allowed the minor(s) to view or hear the Media Rated R-CP and/or R-A, and/or gave the Media the wrong rating. They are entitled to recover for compensation, pain and suffering and or punitive damages. Class action suits shall be allowed. If they shall substantially prevail in their suit the court shall require the violator(s) to pay their reasonable attorney fees and court costs.
- Any organization receiving United States’ funds that violates this act must return one-eighth the last fiscal year funds they received and not accept any more unless the organization agrees to comply with this act. In addition to the FCC or other United States’ agency requiring return of the funds, that organization may be sued under 31 U.S. Code § 3729 - False claims act.
- If the FCC fails to keep the foreign-list up to date any United States Citizen may file suit in the judicial district which they reside to get a court order to force the FCC to keep the foreign-list up to date; and shall receive court costs and reasonable attorney fees from the FCC should they substantially prevail.
- Any adult(s) who post on the internet, use email, and/or otherwise uses the internet, to threaten to kill, to rape, sexually assault, and/or assault, any United States citizen(s); even if they have no plans to carry it out, shall be guilty of a United States’ misdemeanor punishable by not less than ten days and not more than one year imprisonment. The United States citizen(s) that were threatened as stated above in this paragraph, may also file a private civil action in United States district court where the primary plaintiff resides against the adult(s) that posted the threat(s); if the plaintiff can prove the defendant(s) did threaten the plaintiff(s) shall be awarded all court costs, reasonable legal fees, and at least ten thousand dollars or 1,370 times the United States Minimum Wage whichever is greater.
§ 12 General
- Regulations The FCC may issue appropriate regulations to help enforce, add to the restrictions for obtaining each rating type, and ease compliance with this act. Nothing is this act shall be construed to change the restrictions on indecent broadcasts, over the public airways. The FCC will maintain an e-mail address, mailing address, and a phone number to allow reporting of violations of this Act; all of these will be listed on the FCC web site. This law shall take effect even if no regulations have been adopted.
- Court Jurisdiction Any ruling on this law by a US District Court ruling on constitutionally of this law, or granting an injunction blocking any part of this law, shall NOT apply nationwide and shall only apply within that court’s district. Anyone empowered to bring suit under this act shall also be empowered to defend its constitutionally or appeal any injunction blocking any part of this law.
- Severability: If any part of this law is found to be unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction the remainder of this law shall remain in full force & effect.
- Effective Date: This act shall take effect two years after it becomes a law on the first day of the month of January immediately following that date.